
外國留學生工作許可申請 Applying for a Work Permit 


Period of Validity: 6 months. 

※工作時數,每星期最長為 16 小時。 

Maximum Number of Work: No more than 16 hours per week. 

一、申請流程 Application Procedure 


Fill in the application forms and prepare the required documents. 

2.將申請表及所有應備文件送至勞動部勞動力發展署收件窗口辦理或掛號郵寄至職業訓練局,收件人註明:勞動部勞動力發展署(申請外國留學生、僑生及華裔學生工作證) 收。 

Take the application form and all documents to Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training or mail them with registered post with receiver's name as勞動部勞動力發展署(application of foreign professions).

二、申請資料 Required documents 


Fill in the application form online. http://www.evta.gov.tw/home/index.asp   


A photocopy of the student ID (front and back). 


A photocopy of the passport and ARC (front and back).  


A consent form from school with school seal. 


The academic transcript from the applicant's most recent 2 semesters of degree courses or a one-year transcript of the language course. 

6.審查費收據正本或親至勞動署交 100 元。 

The receipt of Registration Fee or turn the fee in at the counter of Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training (BEVT).


For more details and regulations, please contact with the office of foreigners' work permit, Bureau of Employment and Vocational Training. 

網站 Website: 


地址 Address: 台北市中華路 1 段 39 號 10 樓 

電話 Tel: (02)8590-2567 

交通:捷運西門站 5 號出口 

Take MRT to Ximen Station, learning from Exit No. 5 

服務時間:週一至週五 9:00 AM~5:00 PM 

E-mail: evta@evta.gov.tw