
健康保險 National Health Insurance 


International students who hold an ARC and have stayed in Taiwan over six months would be legit to apply for National Health Insurance. 


二、保險費用:每月 749 元。 

Fee: NT$ 749 per month.

三、申請辦法:填寫申請表後,黏貼二吋相片一張及 ARC 之正反面影本、攜帶護照至中央健康保險署辦理投保。 

One should take the application form attached a 2inch color photo, a photocopy of ARC (front and back) and passport to the office of National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 


For more details and regulations, please contact the office of National Health Insurance Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare. 網站 Website: 健保諮詢專線:0800-030-598 

服務時間:週一至週五 8:30 AM~12:30 PM, 1:30 ~5:30 PM 

周邊之醫療院所 Surrounding hospitals 

1.台大醫院 National Taiwan University Hospital 

地址:台北市中山南路 7 號(東址大樓住院急診服務) 台北市常德街 1 號 (西址大樓門診住院服務) 

電話:(02) 2312-3456 網址: 

2. 淡水馬偕醫院


電話:(02)2809-4661或(02)2809-4679 網址: